Candlesticks are so named because the rectangular shape and lines on either end resemble a candle with wicks.
A candlestick depicts the battle between Bulls (buyers) and Bears (sellers) over a given period of time. All known information is reflected in the
price. The relationship between the open and close is considered vital information and forms the essence of candlesticks.
What is ‘Double Candlestick Pattern’?
Candlesticks are so named because the rectangular shape and lines on either end resemble a candle with wicks; and we will be studying most
relevant double candle stick reversal pattern. Each candlestick usually represents one day’s worth of price data about a stock.
A candlestick depicts the battle between Bulls (buyers) and Bears (sellers) over a given period of time. All known information is reflected in the
price. The relationship between the open and close is considered vital information and forms the essence of candlesticks.
What is ‘Double Candlestick Pattern’?
Double Candlesticks are so named because the rectangular shape and lines on either end resemble a candle with wicks; and we will be studying most
relevant double candle stick reversal pattern. Each candlestick usually represents one day’s worth of price data about a stock.
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